Monday, April 23, 2012

I am a terrible blogger I don't post as much as I should but I have two other blogs and two YouTube pages. I'm in the middle of trying to become elected for president of my club and Secretary for Student Government Association. If I get these leadership positions then I can get a scholarship to the college I want to transfer too. Were starting a whole new social media advertisement I think adding a YouTube video of events we do or important seminars.

I've got a whole new game plan and I think it'll work I just have to stay on track because if I do then I should be getting an average of 3.5-4.0 GPA a semester. I am at the moment getting my Associates Degree in Anthropology although I specifically want to study Archaeology. I plan to transfer and get my BS in Anthropology and BA in Dance with a double minor in Psychology and Zoology. The transfer plan is what I want however if I don't make the dance audition then I will major double in Psychology out of recommendation from my professor who still strongly urges me to add as a double with Anthropology interest. Hopefully they have Zoology as a minor if not then I will minor in Literature. So I'm doing everything I possibly can to prep for dance. If someone was to ask what I was willing to do for the rest of my life it would be exploration and discovery. I want to dance and sing for the sake of it not for fame, competitiveness, entertainment or as a career. Both are the most supreme way of how I can express my self an world that have decided to suppress myself from. My ultimate goal is to get my PhD in Paleontology and become famous worldwide to become someone who is written in the history books forever remembered for something extraordinary. That is why I'm doing the things I'm doing.

A new up date is that hopefully I can get another job that pays pretty well so I can find a new place to live. My friend Sammy and I are trying to get an apartment that benefits both of our job locations and my school location. This is not to difficult based on our locations however Zachary who is also a roommate his job is in Crofton which is by far no where near either of us and the only reason were having trouble with picking a location. So the question is do we look for a new location or new roommate? I really wanted to keep Zack as a roommate. I'm hoping things will workout in the end, I am hoping to get an estimate for how much monthly I have to pay so I can figure out how much I have to work this summer to pay off rent for next semester.

Wish Me Luck!!!!

Syd The Kid

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